Joint Project Monitoring ToolTo be completed per community where projects are being implemented or completedTo be accompanied with picturesTo be completed by headteachers/SBMC secretaries & or village heads, women leader, youth lead or CMT lead or CoPName of field monitor*Clear selectionContact of field monitor*Invalid numberClear selectionCommunity name*Clear selectionWard*Clear selectionLGA*Clear selectionState*ChooseAbujaAbiaAdamawaAkwa IbomAnambraBauchiBayelsaBenueBornoCross RiverDeltaEbonyiEdoEkitiEnuguGombeImoJigawaKadunaKanoKatsinaKebbiKogiKwaraLagosNasarawaNigerOgunOndoOsunOyoPlateauRiversSokotoTarabaYobeZamfaraClear selectionDate when monitoring was conducted*Clear selectionTitle of project (s) being monitored *Clear selectionSchool/PHC/WASH/etc*ChooseEducationPHCWASHClear selectionContractor name as seen on the contract signpost, if availableClear selectionContractor contacts as seen on the contract signpost, if availableInvalid numberClear selectionSection 2Must be completedDid the contractor carry the community leaders/members?*YesNoClear selectionDid the contractor source laborers from the community for the project implementation?*YesNoClear selectionWhen did implementation start?*Clear selectionWhen is the implementation ending/supposed to end?*Clear selectionImplementation Status*OngoingCompletedAbandonedNot startedClear selectionRemarks (Key Findings) 1). If Ongoing (exact status) - comments from the facility about the ongoing implementation - are there issues with the ongoing implementation like substandard materials being used or deviations from what was planned on the BoQ summary sheet? 2). If Not Started, any reasons why from the head of facility or CMT (head of PHC/School/WASH point) 3). If Abandoned, any reasons? 4). If Completed, was the project completed appropriately? What are the major challenges facing the completed project - comments about the implementationClear selectionRestart survey